Insertion of neighborhood impact projects in public space. The case of Alcaldía Venustiano Carranza, México city



A local impact project that has been built under the Gimnasios Urbanos and Mejoramiento Barrial program was analyzed, which seek to encourage the cooperation of highly marginalized neighborhoods and neighborhoods in the development of projects that promote sports and recreational activities. Projects because of a strategy, which seeks to legitimize the State from the discourse of the recovery of public space through the insertion of local impact interventions, under a spectrum of citizen participation. A neighborhood project located in the Venustiano Carranza Mayor's Office in Mexico City was examined. Through an inductive analysis method and qualitative approach, participatory observation and interviews were used as research methods. These techniques provided a diagnosis that allowed to identify the impact of these programs on the appropriation processes of the different actors that use that place, which create spatiality and temporalities that coexist in an environment of tolerance, tension, and conflict. The main result was to identify the social processes that deconstruct the uses dictated by the State and establish new forms of appropriation that respond to the needs of the community and not to a political discourse.


citizen participation, neighborhood improvement, public space