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Specialization and spatial concentration of commercial neighborhoods
Carlos Sandoval
Comisión Económica para América Latinay el Caribe - CEPAL
This article focuses on analyzing the Santiago district, in order to understanding the causes specialization of commercial neighborhoods and their dynamics, by addressing the following question: Why and how does commercial specialization occur in some neighborhoods of the Central Santiago district, concentrating their in a defined spatial pattern, instead of spreading through the urban fabric? Qualitative and quantitative methods are used to develop an in depth analysis of commercial activities, taking into consideration their specialization level and spatial arrangement. Through this study, a series of specialized commercial neighborhoods where identified and classified, revealing two specific patterns of organization: polarized areas "Brasil" and "Diez de Julio" and multi-system areas ("San Diego"). The contribution of this research lies in the application of a methodology that allows to identify neighborhoods, as well as the causes that explain commercial specialization in an urban context.
Sandoval, C. (2013). Specialization and spatial concentration of commercial neighborhoods: evidence based on the Santiago central area case study. Revista De Urbanismo, 15(29), Pág. 46–58.