Urban Compactness


  • Mariaelisa Quintero Bosetti Universidad de los Andes


Problems registered at the end of the last century and in the beginning of the current century such as the urban density, urban sprawl and the constant changes in the morphology of the cities, have created conflicts of all kinds, for which, the cities were not prepared to confront. These problems have affected directly the urban ecosystem and even its permanence. Recent studies about Urban Ecology promote the increase of the complexity of the cities giving priority to the exercise of citizenship. That is to say, to encourage the relations of contact, exchange and the unquestionable essence of the city, the communication. With the purpose of following this tendency, the object of this research is to propose an Operational Analysis Model aimed to establish standards of design directed to the consolidation of compact cities, socially, economically and environmentally sustainable, which favors the urban cohesion. It is a methodological scheme whose attributes and indicators do not infringe these current general regulations of urban and environmental planning. But instead it is susceptible to integrate itself into macro plans of urban, local special and environmental planning and it could be applied to areas or sectors of Latin American cities that could offer the interaction of potentialities that, if they are treated properly, will be susceptible to help cities to become more resilient.


Analysis method, compact cities, urban complexity

Author Biography

Mariaelisa Quintero Bosetti, Universidad de los Andes

Fecha de Nacimiento: 06-06-1981Nacionalidad: Venezolana.Arquitecto (2004) Magíster (2013), egresada de la Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida - Venezuela. Profesora Ordinaria, del Departamento de Composisición Arquitectónica de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de Los Andes Mérida - Venezuela. Investigadora A2, Acreditada PEII ONCTY de venezuela.