Body and virile strength in the representations of men among undergraduate students.



This paper explore social representations of men. Studies have shown that corporality is a central axis of definitions of men. The methodology used was qualitative, combining interviews with open questionnaires answered by undergraduate students of different courses and universities in the city of Valdivia; a total of 13 male students and 18 females took part. Analysis of the thematic content showed that representations of men are developed in association with their biological-corporal differentiation from women, highlighting their greater size and strength, and their physical, emotional and sexual resistance as criteria for consideration as men; incipient narratives were identified linking these attributes with sociocultural influence and with learning.



Author Biographies

KAREN MARDONES LEIVA, Escuela de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicaciones, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile.

Psicóloga, Doctora en Ciencias Humanas. Magíster en Psicología, Magíster en Investigación Participativa para el Desarrollo Local. Se desempeña como Académica Investigadora en la Escuela de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicaciones, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile. Correo electrónico:;

GONZALO SAAVEDRA GALLO, Académico Titular del Instituto de Estudios Antropológicos, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Antropólogo, Doctor en Sociología y Ciencias Políticas. Académico Titular del Instituto de Estudios Antropológicos, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile. Correo electrónico:; 0002-8360-4939