De la crisis de la energía al concepto del patrimonio económico de la humanidad : criterios para reestructurar el sistema económico internacional


  • Francisco Orrego Vicuña


The successive crises that have been shaking the international economic system in recent years palpably reveal its inadequacy in the face of the requirements of contemporary international society, in its complex political, social, cultural and economic dimension. The present study aims, on the one hand, to examine the causes that have led to the obsolescence of the economic premises and legal principles of the currently prevailing system and, on the other, to explore the bases and trends on which general restructuring of the international economy may eventually rest, depending on contemporary reality. The sense of any restructuring that is attempted must be to seek a solution to the needs that have become evident in an international community characterized by its interdependence; it must advance towards a new stage conceived as the economic heritage of humanity.


International Economic System, Crisis, Social Justice, Economic Heritage of Humanity, International Society

Author Biography

Francisco Orrego Vicuña

Abogado chileno. es miembro del Instituto lnteramericano de Estudios Jurídicos lnternacionales y desde 1965 asesor especial del Departamento de Asuntos Jurídicos de la OEA. Es autor de "La integración Política" (1966); "Developments in the Latin America Free Trade Association" (1967) y de una publicación reciente sobre derecho del mar. Es coautor de "Derecho de la integracion latinoamericana "(1969).