Internacionalización de la economía : instituciones concurrentes, manejo de deuda externa e inversiones extranjeras


  • Carsten Thomas Ebenroth


In recent decades the most important sectors of the economy - commerce, capital markets and investment - have been exposed to a process of internationalization. This is confronted with a world characterized by national states and their own selfishness. Institutional agreements aimed at regularizing international trade have not been able to satisfactorily regularize and coordinate national policies. The internationalization of the economy gives rise to a constant worsening of competition between States in the investment sector and in international financial markets. In order to survive competition, countries increasingly liberalize their legal systems, thus undertaking a true race of liberalization. However, a functioning international economy requires coordinated and concerted regulations. There are two options for carrying out such international coordination: the creation of a unified international law and the delegation of powers to international organizations.


World Economy, Internationalization, World Monetary System, World Trade, Foreign Investments

Author Biography

Carsten Thomas Ebenroth

Prof. dr.jur.rer.pol., miembro del Centro de Economía Internacional de la Universidad de Konstanz, República Federal de Alemania.