Chile : cambio político e inserción internacional 1964-1997


  • Francisco Rojas Aravena


This paper provides a global vision of Chilean foreign policy from the 1960s to the mid-1990s. Its central line of argument indicates that despite the great changes and the different methods used, there is persistence in the objectives of Chilean foreign policy throughout this period. It is emphasized that to achieve long-term effectiveness in foreign policy, a consensus must be built that involves the main actors on the basis of a State policy. The main points of continuity can be analyzed around the following elements: significance of neighborhood factors; importance of legality; deterrence; diversity in international ties; strong weight of presidentialism and complex relationships with powers.


Chile, Foreign Policy, Political Change, International Insertion, International System

Author Biography

Francisco Rojas Aravena

Director de FLACSO-Chile; co-director Programa Paz y Seguridad en las Américas; profesor Universidad de Stanford, Santiago.