Las Township and Village Enterprises (TVE) y su contribución al empleo y a las exportaciones chinas


  • Gilmar Masiero Universidad de Brasilia


Following its own trajectory of economic development, China achieved an average GDP growth of 9.6 % between 1979 and 2004, and maintains 60 % of its population in rural areas. Township and Village Enterprises (TVEs) emerged in these areas in the early 1980s, considered by various scholars as the Chinese economic "engine of growth." With their innovative organizational structures they absorb large contingents of workers and have contributed to the rapid industrialization of the country. In addition to their great contribution to Chinese economic development, TVEs are responsible for high levels of exports. This article describes some of the characteristics of its ownership and organization, and points out how they contribute to employment and the Chinese export strategy. To conclude, it synthesizes the experience of TVE development and the teachings that could be applied in other geographical and cultural contexts, especially in Latin America.


Township and Village Enterprises, China, Employment, Exports, Development Model

Author Biography

Gilmar Masiero, Universidad de Brasilia

Doctor en bussiness administration; profesor e investigador de la Universidad de Brasilia.