Perception, Function and Meaning of Drug consumption in School youth of Eastern Zone of Santiago


  • Irene Magaña Frade Académica de la Escuela de Psicología de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Alicia Meschi Maldonado


The study describes the different characteristics, functions, and significance related to drugs and alcohol consumption. The population participating in this research are
three private school communities belonging to high-meddle social class, from Santiago de Chile.
The results indicated the influence of both specific and shared community conditions on the populations’ risk factor. In general terms, the risk factor is related to the general mental health of each community, and the principal conclusion is the necessity of using this kind of study in the design of prevention programs. 
The authors utilized a mixed methodological design, combining qualitative and quantitative instruments within the research/action work frame


Juvenil drug consumption, participant research, protective factors, facilitating factors