Physical Quantities as Relations in Third Analogy of Experiencia



An interpretation of the Third Analogy of Experience (Kant, KrV A211/B256–A218/B265) is proposed, from which the metaphysical question referring to the relational or intrinsic character of the properties that represent physical quantities is discerned, in the context of what is called a critical ontology. It is obtained that, as a result of the a priori rules corresponding to the Analogies of Experience, the determinations of objects have a relational character. This result is consistent with the view of time and space obtained in relational formulations of certain physical theories and with relationalist approaches to time and space in the philosophy of physics.


critical ontology, Kant, physical relationalism, relational properties, time

Author Biography

Matías Daniel Pasqualini, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Becario doctoral de Conicet (Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas). Doctorando en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Áreas de especialización: filosofía de la física, metafísica de la ciencia.


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