This essay aims to analyse how the productions of social knowledge take place, differentiating the
one generated as construction of social world from the one that, more specifically, pursues scientific
validity. For this aim, we argue on the intuition, characterized as a form to access the knowledge
that is ordinary, natural, without complex formulations, intuitive, in short. As observed in different
manners, it seems to define nowadays stances and perceptions. This occurs, besides, in a form that
can be named aesthetic following the very classical conceptualizations, and because aesthetics
seems to be one of the signs of our times, as a mechanism that produces intuitive knowledge. From
these bases, the essay puts forward some conceptualizations that define and delimitate the validity
of the diverse forms of social knowledge.
intuition, aesthetics, knowledge, social construction, truth
Sanjuan-Villa, R., & Roblizo-Colmenero , M. J. (2024). Aesthetic intuition as founding principle of social knowledge. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (79), pp. 23–36. Retrieved from