This article proposes an idea of intervention and institution that interweaves within the social through the concept of contagion as a philosophical articulating element. Firstly, a philosophical framework to think of life as a social and relational ontology of contagion is established, that allows the inhabiting of an ethological relational thinking that opens to other modes of existence. Form this framework, an intervention-institution relation is outlined from the sensibility that evokes this different form of intervention within the social, providing other arrangement of the institutional variations and the processes by which the social is established. The article concludes with a discussion about the relation between intervention and its transformative capacities as a different methodological and epistemological component that contains a strong political and ethical potential. By multiplying the ways of being and the subjectivation processes, other human and more-than-human practices open and setting-up other ways of doing-and-thinking every intervention of the present.
institution, intervention, contagion, forms of life, cartographies
Castro-Serrano, B., Ceruti-Mahn, C., Fernández-Ramírez, C., & Garay, J. M. (2023). Intervention within the social and contagion philosophy. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (77), pp. 160–175. Retrieved from