The Liberating Campaign of New Granada (1819 -1821) through the colombian History journals



The Liberation Campaign is a historical topic whose interest and recurrence in the Colombian History magazines allows a historiographical balance of content, productivity and citation of articles associated with this subject. The quantitative study proposed compares the approaches of each journal and the bibliometric indicators of editorial productivity of journals indexed in categories A1 and A2 by Publindex of Colciencias. In conclusion, are demonstrates the characteristics of the impact factor, the importance of the dossier numbers and the relevance that since 1983 have the articles related to facts and characters of the liberating campaign.


Colombia, scientific journal, history, bibliometrics, independence, Liberating Campaign

Author Biography

Luis Rubén Pérez Pinzón, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Doctor en Historia, docente-investigador del Departamento de Estudios Sociohumanísticos de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga.