Shop-floor organizations under classic peronism (Argentina 1946-1955). Conflicts over their actions and regulation


  • Marina Kabat Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, con mención en Historia, investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de Educación - Universidad Nacional de la Plata - IDHICS FAHCE- UNLP / CONICET y docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Ianina Harari Licenciada en Sociología, Doctora en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Historia, becaria posdoctoral del CONICET y del Instituto Gino Germani (UBA), docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires


Unlike most Latin-American countries where collective bargaining is decentralized at the firm level, in Argentina -as well as in Brasil-, collective bargaining is centralized and carried out by a single union per activity branch. However, in Argentina these branch unions articulate themselves with a union-based representation in the shop-floor, the so called “internal commissions”. The first two Peronist governments (1946-1955) are a crucial period in the development of these organisms. In this paper we study the conflicts related to the internal commissions that arose in these years in the metallurgical and the shoe industries and we analyze the rules and regulations governing the internal commissions fixed in the collective labor agreements of 1954 and the tensions that emerged in their negotiation.


collective bargaining, peronism, internal commissions, unions, metallurgical industry, shoe industry