Infante and Matta: between dissent and cooptation. The failure of federalism in the nineteenth century


  • Edison Ortiz González Doctor en Historia, Universidad de Valencia. Profesor Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Esteban Valenzuela Van Treek Doctor en Historia Contemporánea, Universidad de Valencia. Director Dpto. de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales Universidad Alberto Hurtado


The failure of federalism and provincial autonomism also explained by their leaders, who with the victory of the coalition Portales (1830-1859), fluctuated between marginal dissent and integration. Infante is the case who chose to be a voice testimonial with The Federal Valdiviano magazine, while Matta chose to join the system, through three stages: rebellion (1850s), transition (1860s), and coptation (1870s).


Regionalism, nineteenth-century, cooption, Infante, Matta, dissent