How to assess the members of the political elite? A proposal based on presedents of americas


  • Ignacio Arana Pontificia Universidad Católica


This article critically reviews the study of the political elite, including
the historical evolution of its meaning, role, composition, independence
and ways of analysing its members. It argues that to effectively study
elite members their individual differences should be examined. This
paper looks at individual differences among presidents, those at highest
levels of the political elite in presidential systems. It finds that as a group,
presidents of western hemisphere come from moderately affluent
socioeconomic backgrounds, at least one third are either lawyers or
come from the security forces, and that they tend to score low on
agreeableness and neuroticism, moderately high in extroversion and
openness to experience, and high in conscientiousness. This exercise
suggests a research agenda that may be extended to other members of
the elite.


Elites, political elite, presidents, individual differences, personality


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