Japón: su economía al día de hoy


  • Enrique Subercaseaux


Although economies differ from each other, it is essential to analyze them emphasizing the diversities and capturing the similarities. Japan is commonly considered an economy different from the rest; however, its structural problems and its current economic recession can be compared with what happens in other places. In the short term, there is an analogy with the United States, England and other Anglo-American countries. In the long run, it has similarities to France. Simultaneously, it is essential to recognize the characteristics of this country that could transform the present situation. We argue that in Japan the structural reform must go through a process of bureaucratic deregulation that, although it attracts consensus, is difficult to implement, for which the determining factor would be political change, that is, the constitution of a stable government with a solid parliamentary majority.


Japan, Economic Recession, Economic Cycles, Economic Structure Reform, Deregulation

Author Biography

Enrique Subercaseaux

Diplomático; miembro del servicio exterior de Chile.  Se desempeña como Director del Secretariado del PECC -Pacific Economic Cooperation Council-, con sede en Singapur.