Actores y sociedad civil en el MERCOSUR


  • Jorge Grandi
  • Lincoln J. Bizzozero R.


This paper aims to show the emergence of a civil society in the MERCOSUR integration process. To do this, the actors are located in terms of the different circles of influence in relation to the decision-makers and negotiators. This makes it possible to analyze the structural response of the different actors in the face of the progress of the integration process, which allows an approximation to their position in the face of the functional overflow of the process. Finally, this work addresses the study of the attitudinal response of the actors in relation to the topics of the subregional agenda. It is in the position on these issues that the active map of MERCOSUR civil society emerges.


MERCOSUR, Civil Society, Subregional Integration, Subregional Agenda, Negotiation and Decision Making

Author Biographies

Jorge Grandi

Director del Centro de Formación para la Integración Regional (CEFIR), Montevideo, Uruguay. Profesor del Instituto Europeo de Administración Pública (IEAP).

Lincoln J. Bizzozero R.

Coordinador del Programa de Política Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay; integrante de la Unidad Central de Estudios del MERCOSUR.