Las percepciones de la actual política exterior Argentina sobre la política exterior del Brasil y las relaciones Estados Unidos - Brasil


  • Raúl Bernal Meza


This article provides elements for analysis, based on the dominant interpretations in the formulation of current Argentine foreign policy regarding Brazil, the United States, and the political, security and trade agendas (Mercosur, FTAA). This document constitutes a contribution to the identification of the difficulties that have arisen, during the 1990s, in the relations between Argentina and Brazil, which have their origin in the different conceptions and interpretations of the "new emerging order" and the International system, on the international insertion of the country and its position in the world, as well as on the different and complex characteristics of both countries, socially, economically and culturally.


Argentina, Foreign Policy, Brazil, United States, Policy Formulation

Author Biography

Raúl Bernal Meza

Licenciado en ciencias políticas y sociales de América Latina (Université de la Sorbonne); master en economía política (Sorbonne); master en relaciones internacionales (FLACSO-Argentina); doctor en sociología (UCA); profesor titular exclusivo de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; profesor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires; director del Centro de Estudios de las Relaciones Internacionales de América Latina, CERIAL (Mendoza, Argentina); consultor de Naciones Unidas y OEA.