Tendencias recientes en la política mundial


  • José A. Silva Michelena


This research examines the characteristics of the development of Latin America in light of its progressive insertion in the world capitalist system. The examination of this socio-historical process should allow us to delineate the probable development alternatives for Latin America. Although the main aspect of the research should focus on the study of the development of the progressive implementation of Latin American social formations, we start from the premise that the framework within which the possible development alternatives will be carried out is excessively determined by the actions of the great power blocks dominated by the great powers worldwide.


World Politics, Development Models, Latin America, Powers, Power Blocks

Author Biography

José A. Silva Michelena

Cientista político venezolano, es investigador del Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo (CENDES) de la Universidad Central de Caracas. Autor, junto con Frank Bonilla de "Strategy for research on social policy"; "The politics of changes in Venezuela" y de "Crisis de la democracia", viene trabajando desde hace años en un proyecto encaminado a identificar modelos alternativos de desarrollo para su país, señalando los costos sociales de las diferentes opciones, proyecto del cual forman parte las dos obras mencionadas.