Crisis, deconstruction and empathy


  • María Lucía Puppo Universidad Católica Argentina


This paper aims to compare the semiosis of urban space in five books of poems recently published in the city of Buenos Aires: Aquel corazón descamisado (2002) of Luis Tedesco, El carrito de Eneas (2003) of Daniel Samoilovich, La rebelión del instante (2005) of Diana Bellessi, Solos y solas (2005) of Tamara Kamenszain, and Poemas del sin trabajo (2007) of Eduardo Mileo. All of them present voices, sights and itineraries of the contemporary city by means of a wide range of images, topics and discursive strategies. The conceptual triad crisis-deconstruction-empathy will allow the systematization of different ways in which poetic texts translate and refer to the complexities of the social imaginary.


Buenos Aires, poetry, crisis, deconstruction, empathy