Rozenmacher, Goldenberg y Diament: the immigrant representation in three plays by Argentine-Jewish dramatists


  • Paula Ansaldo Universidad de Buenos Aires


In this work we analyze the plays Simón Brumelstein, caballero de Indias (1987), de Germán Rozenmacher; Krinsky (1986), de Jorge Goldenberg, and El libro de Ruth (2010), de Mario Diament. These three works of Argentine-Jewish playwrights speak of the identity problem of Jewish immigrants in perpetual conflict between the memory of their country of origin and the new land they come searching for a better future, which in most cases, it’s not what they expected. This double identity is represented in the plays using a dual construction of space where reality and memory coexist and dialogue. This work propose to investigate the different ways in which the dramatists manage to embody this conflict, through a comparative analysis of the plays, establishing similarities and differences between each other.


Argentine-Jewish theatre, Immigrant, Rozenmacher, Goldenberg, Diament.